Orani Pergolato – The Pergola Village
In 1953 Nivola published on the American magazine Interiors the project Pergola Village. Vined Orani. The artist dreamed of painting the facades of his home village white, with a light blue base visually connecting each house. A vine pergola, too, would have connected each building, simbolically strenghtening the spirit of community of the inhabitants, transforming the streets into shared spaces to socialize.
Today, thanks to the support of the Regione Sardegna, of the Comune of Orani and of the Fondazione Nivola, the artist’s project revives in the interpretation of Stefano Boeri, who realaborates Nivola’s public art project. The historical village center, painted in white and blue, planted with grapevines and pommegranates, it’s the perfect scenario for a stroll among small shops and pictoresque corners.

Church of Nostra Signora d’Itria
The church, built in the first half of the XVII Century, owns its fame to the sgraffitto made by Nivola in 1958. Back in Orani for a visit, after achieving success as an artist in the US, Nivola gave back to his community, turning the simple facade in a fantastic stage for his imaginary figures. It’s the only public work made by Nivola in Europe with the sgraffitto technique.

Orani ’58
In 1958 the photographer Carlo Bavagnoli follows Nivola in his homecoming to Orani, where Nivola executes the Sa Itria sgraffitto and puts on an extraordinary participative exhibition in the streets of Orani. With 63 poster scattered around the historical village center, it is possible to experience the atmosphere of that day, a key-event to understand Nivola’s life and artistic views.

Mount Gonare
The mountain, 1100 meters high, is covered by holm and downy oaks; ; cyclamens, helichrysum, ferns, orchids, peonies and mountain roses color the landscape. elicriso, felci, orchidee, peonia e rose di montagna colorano il paesaggio. Destination to pilgrims and trekkers, it offers easy paths in nature, leading to the “cumbessias” (small houses where the community gathers for the Easter novena, and to the Marian shrine on the top of the mountain.

Shrine of the Holy Mary of Gonare
The church, a Marian shrine, was built at the end of the Middle Ages on the very top of the mountain. It takes its name from the judge Gonario di Torres who, according to the legend, survived a shipwreck under the oath
, In epoca medievale fu edificata la chiesa dedicata alla Madonna di Gonare in cima all’omonima vetta, così chiamato dal nome del giudice Gonario di Torres che, secondo il racconto popolare, la eresse come ex voto dopo essere scampato ad un naufragio di ritorno dalla Seconda Crociata. Dalla chiesa, costruita completamente in granito, si ammira un panorama a 360 gradi sulla Barbagia circostante.

Organo monumentale del 1732
All’interno dell’edificio ecclesiastico dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, si conserva un monumentale organo a canne, uno strumento musicale realizzato da maestranze campane nel 1732.

Pinacoteca Mario Delitala
Orani ha dato i natali a Mario Delitala, pittore e incisore del ‘900, di cui è possibile visitare la pinacoteca allestita nella sede del comune con una raccolta di opere incisorie e tele ad olio.

Chiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo – Torre Pisana
Chiesa un tempo dedicata a Sant’Andrea Apostolo eretta tra la fine del XVI e gli inizi del XVII secolo in stile gotico aragonese.
Abbandonata sin dall’inizio dell’Ottocento, a seguito di crolli strutturali, oggi è messa in sicurezza e visitabile, anche in occasione dei numerosi eventi culturali organizzati al suo interno
Where to eat
Ristorante Pizzeria “La Locanda della Barbagia”
Via Antonio Gramsci, 10
08026 Orani (NU)
+39 3473386353
Agriturismo Usurtala
Località Usurtala,
08026 Orani (Nu)
+ 39 3488597341
Ristorante Pizzeria “Su Bundhu”
Località Leisone,
08026 Orani (Nu)
+ 39 3462235215
Trattoria Pizzeria “Sa Pischedda”
Corso Italia, 81
08026 Orani (Nu)
+ 39 3475429301
Where to sleep
B&B da Carmela
Viale Sardegna, 79
08026 Orani (Nu)
+39 3478148459
Affittacamere “La Locanda della Barbagia”
Piazza Sant’ Andrea, 4
08026 Orani (NU)
+39 3473386353
Agriturismo Usurtala
Località Usurtala
08026 Orani (Nu)
+ 39 3488597341
Casa vacanza “Orani Guest House”
Corso Italia, 25
08026 Orani (Nu)
+ 39 3486610871